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On Civil Law Regulations on the Same-Sex Union

作  者: ;

机构地区: 汕头大学法学院

出  处: 《北方法学》 2012年第2期24-32,共9页

摘  要: 同性结合由刑法规范至民法规范的跨越经历了数千年历程,是社会发展、文化多元、观念变迁及人类对同性恋认知深化的产物和同性结合去罪化、去病化至正常化发展的结果。但各国同性结合民法规范的立法技术不同,对同性结合权利义务的规定有别,其中蕴涵着不同的法理和价值取向,具有各自的文化适应性。我国是一个文化单一、法律道德化和家中心理念深厚的国家,同性结合生存的社会环境不同,同性结合之民法规范应当选择适合于我国法律和文化的路径。 With respect to the same - sex union, the change by civil laws has lasted for thousands of years. The evolvement is of regulations by criminal laws to regulations the product of social change, cultural diver- sity, values innovation and knowledge enrichment about homosexuality, accompanied by decriminalization and normalization of the same - sex union. However, different countries have different legislative techniques civ- il laws, so rights and obligations to the same - sex union are regulated differently, indicating diversified juris- prudence, values and cultural compatibility. In our country where the culture is conservative and family - cen- tered, and laws involve more moral factors, the social environment for the same - sex union is distinct. Thus the pertinent civil law regulations shall adapt to the legal and cultural path of our country.

关 键 词: 同性 性结合 民法规范

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 钟瑞栋


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学法学院


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