作 者: ;
机构地区: 深圳职业技术学院人文学院
出 处: 《深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2012年第2期29-36,共8页
摘 要: 人乃千亿年流行大化所化之物,其与万物一样皆受流行大化物性所躯。欲者,流行大化物之动也。吾人为流行大化所化之物,岂能违流行大化物之动!作为有限者,虽圣人不能违此流行大化之物则也。朱子倡"存天理、灭人欲",非是反对吾人正常人欲,而是反对没有天理为基础之人欲。"存天理、灭人欲"与其说是一个哲学命题,不如说是儒家生命入精微致广大的存在方式。只有在每日存天理的主敬中、以天理贞定浸洗吾人之欲,吾人才能摆脱动物式的物拘,于天地万象森然的和美大中大正创生中,和顺积中,悲悯仁慈,神圣自由。 Human is the outcome of universal change or Liuxing Dahua in hundreds of billions of years,driven by the force of universal change like all things on earth.Desire is the power of universal change of which human is its result,therefore,human is no exception.Even a sage can not violate the law of universal change,let alone we ordinary people.ZHU Xi advocated for Keeping the Law of Nature,Removing the Desire of Human,which doesn't mean to get rid of the normal human desires,but to put out those desires without the law of nature as the basis.It is a Confucian mode of life's subtle existence,rather than a philosophical proposition.Only in daily respect of the law of nature to get rid of the desires with reason,can we be free from the animal-like shackles,can we create a peaceful,harmonious world with kindness and mercifulness,to achieve divine freedom and impartiality in the ordered,while simultaneously,manifold universe.
领 域: [哲学宗教]