作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学法学院
出 处: 《南京工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第1期27-32,共6页
摘 要: 行政公诉是由检察机关提起的行政诉讼,建立行政公诉制度既是监督行政机关依法行政、保护公共利益的有效途径之一,也是完善现行行政诉讼制度的客观需要。明确检察机关提起行政公诉的主体资格,界定检察机关提起行政公诉的范围,设立行政公诉的程序对于建构我国行政公诉制度具有重要意义。 Administrative public prosecution refers to administrative lawsuits filed by procuratorial organs. To es- tablish administrative public persecution system is not only one of the effective ways to supervise the legality of administrative acts and to protect public interest but also an objective need for the improvement of current admin- istrative 1~ system to roceedings. It is of great significance for the establishment of China's administrative public persecution specify procuratorial organ's qualification for filing administrative proceedings, define scope of accep- ting cases, and formulate legal proceedings.
领 域: [政治法律]