机构地区: 陕西科技大学职业技术学院
出 处: 《中国教育技术装备》 2012年第9期17-19,共3页
摘 要: 在职教师资培训工作改革和发展中,要解决的问题的确很多,但有一个关键点即校企合作。校企合作是一种职业教育育人模式,是当前我国职业教育改革与发展的方向。校企合作既体现了职业教育与经济社会、行业企业联系最紧密、最直接的鲜明特色,又是当前改革创新职教师资培训办学模式、教学模式、培养模式、评价模式的关键环节。探索高职师资培训的校企合作模式,是培育培训特色,提高培训质量的重要途径。 For the reform and development of Teacher training,there are lots of problems to solve,but there is a key point that the cooperation between school and enterprise.Cooperation between schools and enterprises is a vocational education model,is the current direction of reform and development of vocational education in China.Cooperation between school and enterprise not only embodies the vocational education and economic society and industry contact closest,most defect's signature,is the current teacher training mode reform and innovation,the teaching mode in evaluation mode,training mode,the key link,more economic and social development is the inclusion of vocational education and industrial development plan to promote vocational education curriculum design in size,and the economic and social development needs to adapt to the important way.
领 域: [文化科学]