机构地区: 华南师范大学教育科学学院心理应用研究中心
出 处: 《华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第1期45-54,159,共10页
摘 要: 采用自由分类法探讨彝族人、白族人亲属词的概念结构。结果表明,彝族人亲属词的语义空间包括2个维度:"亲属关系的性质"和"性别";白族人亲属词的语义空间包括2个维度:"性别"和"亲属关系的性质"。受等级制度的影响,彝族人至今仍然保留着"男尊女卑"的性别观,集中表现为对于男性亲属和父系亲属的偏爱。受母系传统文化的影响,白族人形成了"重男不轻女"的性别观,亲属词的语义空间和分类树状图呈现出依照性别高度对称的特点。彝族人、白族人和摩梭人均重视舅舅在亲属关系中的地位,体现了舅权在人类社会发展中的重要作用。 To explore the conceptual structure of the Bai and Yi,the method of natural classifying is used.The results show that there are 2 dimensions of the conceptual structure of the Yi: the nature of the kinship and gender;while the 2 dimensions of the conceptual structure of the Bai are: gender and in-laws/not in-laws.Under the influence of the hierarchy,the Yi still value the male over the female,which is shown by the preference of the male and paternal relatives.And under the effects of maternal culture,the Bai value the male without discriminating the female.The Bai,Yi and Moso all value the status of maternal uncle in the kinship relationship,which manifests the importance of the maternal uncle in the development of human society.
领 域: [哲学宗教]