作 者: ;
机构地区: 湖南农业大学外国语学院
出 处: 《长沙通信职业技术学院学报》 2012年第1期77-80,共4页
摘 要: 德国汉学家顾彬因对中国当代文学的某些否定而招致中国社会许多文人的不满甚至痛恨,文章试从文学翻译与文学创作的互动关系角度论证顾彬某些言语的发人深省。 German Sinologist Gu Bin aroses a lot of dissatisfaction and hatred of many Chinese literati because of some negation to Chinese contemporary literature. This paper attempts to prove the thoughtfulness of Gu Bin's utterance by discussing the relationship between literary creation and literary translation.
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