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Materials and Problems in Egyptian Prehistory and Protohistory Study

作  者: ;

机构地区: 东北师范大学历史文化学院世界古典文明史研究所

出  处: 《东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2012年第2期60-65,共6页

摘  要: 埃及学研究中有很多问题需要解决,史前史与原史研究中的材料与问题便是其中的一个重要方面。梳理一下埃及学界对这些问题的研究现状,仍然遗留的问题及考古的和方法的应用,对于埃及学史前史特别是由史前向历史演进的研究很有意义。该阶段研究的主要依据来自考古挖掘,上埃及、下埃及以及边境地区的遗址挖掘构成研究的主要根据。而该阶段研究的重大问题集中于古埃及文明是否起源于外来影响、中石器时代与旧石器时代过渡的持续性问题、三角洲早期定居问题、城市的出现问题以及王权与邦国出现诸问题上。 There have been several problems in the Egyptology study to be solved with the research matemals and issues concerning Egyptian prehistory and protohistory as important aspects of them. It would speak volumes for the study of Egyptian prehistoric development and especially for the transition from prehistory to history to sort out the present situation of studies on these issues, problems and approaches used by Egyptologists. The main evidences for the study come from archaeology with the upper Egypt sites and lower Egypt sites as well as some frontier sites as their workplace. The major issues focus on whether Egyptian civilization originated from foreign influences, the problem of continuity between Paleolithic and Neolithic, the question of early settlement in the Delta, urbanization as well as emergence of kinship and the state.

关 键 词: 原史 材料与问题 古埃及

领  域: [历史地理] [历史地理]




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