机构地区: 华南理工大学经济与贸易学院
出 处: 《国际贸易问题》 2012年第3期125-136,共12页
摘 要: 基于我国资本市场特征的资产定价假设,构建了基于时变风险溢价的条件期望资产定价模型,估计我国贸易行业的汇率风险暴露值,并进一步借助面板数据固定效应与随机效应方法估计了决定汇率风险暴露的影响因素。研究发现,汇率波动对我国进出口行业利润有着十分明显的时变影响,尤其在汇改以后汇率波动对行业利润率的影响更大,受影响的行业面更广。我国进出口行业间的汇率风险暴露差异较大,存在着四种行业汇率风险暴露情况,各行业不同的暴露特征与海外销售收入、企业规模、海外成本和流动性水平等因素密切相关。 This paper examines the nature and the economic significance of the exchange rate to industry value using a database of 16 traded industries.The main contribution of this paper is to apply a conditional asset-pricing model with time-varying parameters to China’s industries,terminally it finds that all industries have a significant currency exposure,especially after the reform of China’ s exchange rate system,and finds the different characteristics of effect of exchange rate exposure on different traded industries returns.The results for the findings are based on industrial influencing factors.