机构地区: 中山大学图书馆
出 处: 《中国图书馆学报》 2012年第2期90-99,共10页
摘 要: 从发展历史和研究深度,将数字图书馆可用性评价发展分为以系统为中心、以用户为中心和立足于图书情报学学科和实践三大流派。三个流派的关系逐级递进,同时又非相互排斥,并随着理论、方法和实践的发展而相互补充和完善。图书情报学学科和实践的数字图书馆可用性评价的研究特点包括:用户中心的理念、研究内容的扩展、与用户服务结合以及与信息行为模型的结合。立足于以上特点,提出该领域后续研究的方向,即数字图书馆各生命周期阶段可用性研究、基于多学科理论的数字图书馆可用性评价研究等。 Based on the history and depth of studies on usability evaluation of digital libraries, this paper classifies the studies into three categories: system-centered, user-centered, and library and information science and practice-rooted. This paper detailedly describes the emergence and development of these genres, and points out that these genres are in climactic order and the theories of which are not mutually exclusive. The main characteristics of the third genre include user-centered, the extension of research dimension, the combination with user services and the combination of user behavior models. This paper also gives suggestions on directions of future studies such as the life cycle of digital library usability, and the integration of multiple disciplines etc. 58refs.
领 域: [文化科学]