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A Politics Analysis on the Debt Crisis of the Western Countries

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院

出  处: 《学术研究》 2012年第2期32-40,159,共9页

摘  要: 以选举为特征和标志的西方民主政治,不仅是西方国家政治制度的重要内容和组成部分,也是西方国家输出给发展中国家的一种重要的政治价值、政治理念和民主模式。西方国家以实行了这种选举民主制度而标榜为自由国家、民主国家、法治国家、福利国家,甚至将选举民主模式作为干涉他国政治发展的重要手段,搞政治输出。然而,只要深入分析近些年来西方国家债务危机的深层次原因就会发现,西方国家债务危机正是这种选举民主制度缺陷的集中反映和体现,表明了西方国家的选举民主制度已陷入困境和面临变革的巨大压力,走到了一个十字路口:要么继续推行这种选举民主,要么明确承认这种选举民主的制度缺陷,积极推行变革。中国作为发展中国家和美国的一个债权国,须不断健全和完善中国特色社会主义民主制度及选举制度,强化社会建设以健全化解社会矛盾的机制,完善中国特色、中国气派的"中国民主模式"。 The western democratic politics,which takes election as its feature and symbol,is not only the main content and part of western countries'political system,but also an important political value,political thought and democracy model that the western countries try to introduce to developing countries.The western countries boost themselves as free and democratic countries with satisfying welfare by following the rule of law,for they carry out this kind of election democracy.The western countries even take this kind of election democracy as an important means to interfere with other countries'political development and promote political exportation.However,once you analyze in detail the fundamental reason for the debt crisis which happened in the western countries in recent years,you will find out that the debt crisis of the western countries just reflects and manifests the deficiency of this kind of election democracy,which illustrates that the election democracy of the western countries has already got into trouble and faced great pressure for reform,it has come to a crossroads: either to promote this kind of election democracy which will eventually result in the bankruptcy of the country,or to recognize explicitly the systematic deficiency of this kind of election democracy and actively promote reform? China,as a developing country and a creditor of the United States,shall not be indifferent to the crisis,we shall analyze in detail the internal relations between the debt crisis and election democracy and observe economical problems from a political viewpoint,so as to continuously improve our socialist democratic system and election system.

关 键 词: 政治学 债务危机 选举民主 选举制度 民主制度

领  域: [政治法律] [经济管理]


作者 欧阳志鸿
作者 刘晓洋
作者 沈太霞
作者 万海峰
作者 纪源卿


机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院
机构 中山大学岭南学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学法学院


作者 张健
作者 张粟
作者 彭运朋
作者 李旭珊
作者 杨晓