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Ups and Downs of Paradigms:A Review and Construction of Western Planning Theory System in the Latest Century

作  者: ; ; ; (许艳艳);

机构地区: 香港浸会大学

出  处: 《国际城市规划》 2012年第1期75-83,共9页

摘  要: 本文在总结前人研究的基础上,从范式的角度对近百年来西方城市规划的思想演变进行了归纳和总结,认为:(1)当代西方的规划思想深深根植于"现代性"的启蒙传统中,理性始终是西方规划理论演变背后的"内核"和"原动力";(2)近百年来西方规划理论范式围绕"理性"大体经历了四次重大的转变,笔者分别将其命名为"经验理性范式"、"工具理性范式"、"价值理性范式"和"沟通理性范式";(3)规划理论范式的演变是革命性与连续性、稳定性与"创造性破坏"的辩证统一。规划具有深刻的时代背景和思想基础,也具有多种创新的可能性;具有跨越性质变,也有渐进性的"连结谱"和跨期的思想"再现"。最后笔者试图基于上述结论对西方未来的城市规划理论发展方向加以展望,并对中国目前的城市规划理论发展提出了一点看法。 Based on the previous research,this paper summarizes the evolution of the paradigms of western planning theory in the latest 100 year,which conclusions that:(1)The contemporary western planning thoughts are deeply rooted in"modernity"from the enlightenment tradition,and rationality is always the"core"and"origin"in the evolution of western planning theory;(2)In the past 100 years paradigm of western planning around"ration"experiences four major changes,which can be named as"empirical rationality paradigm","tool rationality paradigm","value rationality paradigm"and"communicative rational paradigm";(3)The evolution of the paradigms is revolutionary,continuous,stable and constructive destructive.It has deep background and thick thought foundation,which also has a possibility of various innovations.Furthermore,there are not only outstanding jumps,but also some planning also incrementa"lcontinuums"and recurrences of previous thoughts in the progresses of planning theory.Finally the authors try to foresee the future of the western urban planning theories;some suggestions of Chinese current change of urban planning theory are also put forward.

关 键 词: 理性 经验 工具 价值 沟通 创造性破坏

领  域: [建筑科学]


作者 汪晓云
作者 张艺芬
作者 肖应云
作者 施茵
作者 彭佳莉


机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学管理学院


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作者 张萌
作者 冯琼
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