机构地区: 广东省农业科学院
出 处: 《华北农学报》 2011年第B12期28-33,共6页
摘 要: 以蝴蝶兰P42和P39为亲本,配制成正反2个杂交组合,对杂交F1的植株性状、花部性状和开花期进行了统计分析。结果表明,杂种F1的株幅、叶长、叶宽、花径和花梗高度5个数量性状的平均值分别占中亲值的74.1%,65.15%,79.2%,88.5%和67.7%,均较中亲值明显下降,表现出一定程度的衰退现象,但某些性状上仍可出现超高亲个体,选育花径较大或植株更大的个体是可能的;叶数、花朵数和花色的遗传能力强,尤其是花朵数和花色,其平均变异系数分别达到30.1%和29.95%,分别占中亲值的105.0%和111.45%;在F1花色分布上,正交组合比反交组合更容易选出超亲优良个体,其F1的超亲个体占杂种数的16.8%,比反交组合高出3.1%;在亲本花色遗传能力上,颜色为紫红亲本(P39)的花色遗传能力比颜色为紫红边白的亲本(P42)更强;在花期遗传上,杂种F1的开花期趋向亲本P39,表现在抽梗期、现蕾期和始花期分别趋向于1月、3月和4月。 The genetic performance of some characters such as plant,flower and flowering period in F1 generation with recipro-cal crosses of Pg2 (Doritaenopsis Jiuhbao Red Rose)and P39 (Doritaenopsis Ben Yu Star Red-drag- on ) in Phalaenopsis was studied. The results showed that the plant width, leaf length, leaf width, flower diameter and peduncle length in F1 generation declined obviou-sly which their mean were 74.1% ,65.15% ,79.2% ,88.5% and 67.7% of parents respectively,but the over-parent individuals still existe-d in flower diameter or plant width. The genetic heritability of leaf number,flower number and flower color was strong, especially flo-wer number and flower color which their mean coefficients were 30.1% and 29.95 % , and their means were 105.0% and 111.45% of parents respectively. In flower color distribution of F1 generation,the over-parent individuals were more likely to select in direct cro-ss than reciprocal cross,the over-parent individuals in direct cross accounted for 16.8% of F, Hybrids which was 3.1% higher than r-eciprocal cross. In the genetic heritability of parents flower color,the parent of purple flower(P39) was stronger than the parent of purple with white side (P42). In the genetic heritability of flowering period, the flowering period of Ft generation tended to the parent of P39 that the peduncle growth period, flower bud period and early flowering period tended to January, March and April.