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Geometrical Relationship of Element Modulus and Radius of Polyhedral Circumscribed Sphere

作  者: ; ; (周丰峻);

机构地区: 河南科技大学规划与建筑工程学院

出  处: 《河南科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 2012年第1期45-48,7,共4页

摘  要: 网壳结构作为曲面形的网格结构,兼有杆系结构和薄壳结构的固有特性。随机法组合多面体球面网壳结构在国内还很少见,既没有理论作指导,更没有实际经验可以借鉴。在这种情况下,提出的组合多面体理论和组合多面体变体理论,为随机法单层球面网壳的几何构型设计提供了依据。随机法组合多单层球面网壳的半径与其组成单元的基元模数、单元中正五边形的边长存在着一定的几何关系,了解基元模数与组合多面体外接球半径之间的关系,对随机法组合多面体各参数的计算有着非常重要的意义。 Reticular shell structure as reticular grid structure of curved surface has natural characteristics of the rod system structure and the thin shell structures.Random method combined polyhedron spherical reticular shell structures in domestic is still rare,which has not only no theory but also no practical experience.In this paper,the combined polyhedron theory and polyhedron variant theory provide the basis for the design of random method combined the single-layer reticulated spherical shell geometric configuration.The radius of random method combined many single-layer reticulated spherical shell,element modulus of component unit, side length of pentagon in unit have certain geometrical relationship.The relationship between element module and radius of combined polyhedral circumscribed sphere for parameters calculation of random method combined polyhedron has very important significance.

关 键 词: 随机法 组合多面体 几何构型 基元模数 几何关系

领  域: [建筑科学]




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