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Analysis of the operator's connaissance competence for SGTR accidents in a digital nuclear power station

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 南华大学经济管理学院人因研究所

出  处: 《安全与环境学报》 2012年第1期224-227,共4页

摘  要: 核电站主控室数字化后的人因特征包括数字化规程、警报系统、操作班组信息共享、界面管理任务,它们对操纵员认知可靠性都有重要影响。IDA认知模型把操纵员认知过程分为信息(Information)、诊断(Diagnosis)/决策(Decision)、执行(Action)3个阶段。按IDA模型把数字化核电站主控室操纵员SGTR事故认知过程分为3个阶段,对每个阶段进行操作分析,找到操纵员在SGTR事故认知过程各阶段最容易发生的失误和主要失误。操纵员认知失误发生的原因在于界面管理任务增大了认知难度以及数字化后缺乏情景意识等。 This paper intends to make a review and summarize the technological features of the control room digitalized,including the digital codes,alarming system,the operation team information sharing,the interface management tasks,all of which involve its operator's cognitive power and sense of responsibility.To be exact,the responsibility of an operator involve the safety and security of millions' life and the social well-being.Just from the urgent need,this paper intends to introduce an IDA cognition model for such station operator.The model is divided the reconnaissance competence of an operator into 3 phases: Information-receiving,Diagnosis/Decision and Action-taking.The third part of this paper is dedicated to the application of cognitive model with IDA for analyzing SGTR cognitive accidents in the above said power station.This section can be divided into two parts: the first part is to deal with the introduction of the background of the SGTR experiments(including the reactor core,the experimental initiator events,the initial power,control room environment and SGTR experimental physics process,etc.),whereas the second part is to analyze the cognitive process(including control room of the instrument and control system interface,and overall layout control room from the point of view of an operator(SOP operating procedure of six state parameter).Part 4 is on the basis of the operators,including the cognitive performances and the interview reports by which he can analyze and judge the failures in his operating process.And,if anything wrong has happened,the operator is expected to detect and distinguish what is wrong with any of the whole working,including the information at hand,diagnosis/decision to be made and the necessary actions to be taken).Thus,the article has made a summary of SGTR accidents in the digital nuclear power plant on the basis of analyzing and judging the causes of likely errors in operating process o as to provide the timely measures to right things to be corrected on the corresp

关 键 词: 核安全 操纵员 认知过程 事故

领  域: [核科学技术]




作者 段吉方