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Sphaeropteris,a newly recorded genus of tree ferns from Guangxi

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 广西壮族自治区中国科学院广西植物研究所

出  处: 《广西植物》 2012年第1期12-14,共3页

摘  要: 报道了广西蕨类植物一新记录属——白桫椤属。该属植物以茎干直立,乔木状;叶大型,簇生于茎干顶端,叶柄平滑、有疣突或皮刺,基部鳞片的细胞一式;叶背灰白色;叶脉分叉,2~3叉;无囊群盖等为主要特征。目前该属植物在广西首次记录到白桫椤。根据原始文献及广西的标本对该种进行了描述,并提供了墨线图。 Sphaeropteris was reported for the first time from Guangxi.The genus was distinguished by its erect,tree-like trunks;fronds large,arranged in a terminal crown;stipes smooth,scaly or spiny,stipes scales cells conform type;veins 2-3 forked;lower surface pale;sori without indusia.There was only one species recorded in Guangxi,namely S.brunoniana(Hook.) R.M.Tryon.According to the original literature and specimens from Guangxi,the characteristics of this species were described and illustrated.

关 键 词: 白桫椤属 白桫椤 桫椤科 新记录 珍稀植物 广西

领  域: [生物学]




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