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Diagenesis of the Upper Carboniferous Phylloid Algal Reef Limestone in Ziyun County,Guizhou

作  者: ; ; ; ; (李金梅);

机构地区: 东北大学资源与土木工程学院地质系

出  处: 《沉积学报》 2012年第1期43-53,共11页

摘  要: 贵州紫云县猴场镇扁平村的上石炭统中的叶状藻礁及其周边灰岩中发育强烈的成岩作用和胶结物,这些胶结物在猴场研究区内是显著的和有代表性的。通过观察、分析野外露头、光片、薄片、薄片的阴极发光和染色,来研究礁体岩石的成岩作用,确定了成岩作用序列、成岩环境、成岩阶段。成岩作用类型主要有泥晶化、溶蚀、胶结、新生变形、机械压实、剪切或高温重结晶、构造破裂作用等。早成岩阶段的成岩作用有轻微压实、溶蚀作用和在礁灰岩成岩过程中发挥了至关重要的作用的胶结作用。胶结作用提供了大量的微亮晶、斑块状亮晶方解石、放射纤维扇状胶结物,构成了岩石骨架从而决定岩石的最终形态。表生成岩阶段,强烈的溶蚀作用形成大的晶洞孔隙或通道孔隙,后被潜流的等厚环壁柱状胶结物所充填。中、晚成岩阶段,接近封闭状态的孔隙被等厚环壁刃状胶结物和粗粒的等粒亮晶方解石胶结物充填,使礁灰岩孔隙度接近零;先成的胶结物被热液改造,使有机质含量和颜色发生变化而结构不变;小部分先成胶结物形成铸模后被充填。在后生作用阶段发生构造破裂作用。叶状藻礁灰岩的孔隙系统较早被充填,是其没能成为油气储集层的原因之一。在南盘江盆地内可能只有在后生作用阶段形成大且连通的孔隙的灰岩才能成为油气储集层。 The upper Carboniferous phylloid algal reef and circumjacent limestone has undergone intensive diagenesis in the Bianping Village of Houchang Town,Ziyun County,the cements,signs of the effect of the diagenesis,are prominent and representative in the region of Houchang Town.The diagenesis of phylloid algal reef limestone are studied in detail by means of rock outcrop and slab and thin section analysis and observation using polarising microscope,alizarin red and potassium ferricyanide staining,cathodoluminescence.Diagenetic environments in the reef limestone are recognized,paragenetic sequences determined,diagenetic stages divided,and the diagenetic history reconstructed.The main types of the diagenesis include micritization,cementation,neomorphism,physical compaction,dissolution,shear or high-temperature recrystallization,fracturing,etc.Among the processes,cementation,neomorphism,dissolution affect rock over a long time,intensively,having various appearances.During syndiagenetic stage,sediment rich in the fragments of phylloid algal thalli had high porosity and largely preserved shelter porosity,micritization and cementation occurs extensively,marine botryoidal cement and acicular cement grew in pores;whereas bioclastic wackestone and packstone sediment poor in the fragments of phylloid algal thalli generally had low porosity and permeability,micrite cement grew in pores.There were light compaction and dissolution,and cementation that play a key role in the diagenetic process of the reef limestone,during early diagenetic stage.Cementation supplied a great deal cements,including blocky calcite spar and calcite microspar precipitated in small pores,and radiating cement fans grew in big pores.Cementation constructed rock framework,and consequently decided the features of the limestone rock.During epidiagenetic stag,vuggy or channel porosity was created by intense meteoric dissolution in the recharge area;meteoric phreatic cements precipitated in downflow areas,including isopachous columnar cement,and equant and block

关 键 词: 成岩作用 胶结作用 叶状藻礁 上石炭统 扁平村

领  域: [天文地球] [天文地球]




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