机构地区: 中国人民大学心理学系
出 处: 《心理研究》 2012年第1期45-48,共4页
摘 要: 沉醉感(Flow)是一种重要的积极情绪。该研究针对青少年在学习活动中的沉醉感体验,通过开放式问卷调查和访谈收集资料,编制青少年学习沉醉感量表。结果表明:量表包括学习目标清晰、过程愉悦满足、自我意识减弱和时间感知扭曲等四个维度,信效度检验结果表明,量表具有良好的效度和信度;探索青少年学习沉醉感特点发现,不同性别青少年在学习中体验到的沉醉感无显著差异,而青少年在学习中体验到的沉醉感随年级上升而减少。 As a central concept within positive psychology,flow refers to the psychological state when individuals become engaged in an activity that is challenging,controllable and intrinsically motivating they experience a distinctive psychological state.To date previous flow assessments are not suitable for all activities.A self-report instrument,Scale for Adolescents' Flow State in Learning(SAFSL) has therefore been developed.The items that constitute this measure were derived by conducting exploratory factor analysis of the first sample(N=393),and confirmatory factor analysis on a second sample(N=401).The correlations between SAFSL and Dispositional Intrinsic Motivation for Study were used as content validity index.The results showed that the SAFSL is a 4-dimensional measure(clear goals of learning,concentration on task and enjoying,loss of self-consciousness and distortion of time perception) with strong internal consistency reliability and good construct validity.Furthermore,no gender difference was found in SAFSL,and the flow experience in learning decreased with grade among adolescents.