机构地区: 中国石油天然气集团公司
出 处: 《石化技术与应用》 2000年第1期40-43,共4页
摘 要: 综述了无卤阻燃电缆材料的国内外发展状况和无卤阻燃机理以及无机阻燃剂、阻燃增效剂的研究进展情况,同时对无卤阻燃技术的发展提出了建议。 The development of halogen free flame retardant polyolefin cable material in China and abroad was reviewed.The mechanism of halogen free flame retardant,the advances of inorganic retardant agent and retardant synergist were introduced.Some suggestions for the development direction of halogen free flame retardant technique were put forward.