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Analysis on Degree of Dominance of Land Use in Irrigation District

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 长安大学地球科学与国土资源学院

出  处: 《安徽农业科学》 2011年第23期14300-14302,共3页

摘  要: 根据研究区遥感解译资料、统计资料和陕西省农用地分等资料,以土地利用优势度为基础,以泾惠渠灌区为例,采用效益-成本分析法和土地资源人均优势度法对灌区各类土地利用优势度进行分析。结果表明,研究区内耕地的效益-成本比值为1.5,比值较大,说明耕地是泾惠渠灌区的优势土地资源;研究区内土地资源丰度为0.73,土地资源组合指数为2.3,土地资源人均优势度为0.32,说明研究区土地资源组合指数较大,而土地资源人均优势度较小,说明研究区内各类土地资源组合状况较差,配套能力较弱。针对"泾惠渠灌区内各类土地资源组合状况较差,配套能力较弱"的现状,提出了相应的政策性建议:一是严格执行中央政策,保护耕地资源;二是调整土地利用结构,努力提高效益;三是合理规划土地资源,走可持续发展之路;四是以灌区为单位,建立灌区土地利用等级及价格标准。 According to the remote sensing interpretation data in study area,statistics and the data concerning agricultural land classification of Shaanxi Province,on the basis of degree of dominance of land use,taking Jinghuiqu Irrigation District as an example,this paper adopts benefit-cost analysis method and the method of degree of dominance of land resources per capita to conduct analysis on degree of dominance of land.The results show that in study area,the ratio of cost to benefit of farmland is 1.5,with relative big value,indicating that farmland is the dominant land resource in Jinghuiqu Irrigation District;the abundance of land resources in study area is 0.73,the combination index of land resources is 2.3,and degree of dominance of land resources per capita is 0.32,indicating that the combination index of land resources in study area is relatively big,while degree of dominance of land resources per capita is relatively small,which shows that in study area,the combination of all kinds of land resources is in a poor state,with poor supporting ability.In view of the status quo that the combination of all kinds of land resources is in a poor state,with poor supporting ability in Jinghuiqu Irrigation District,the corresponding policy suggestions are put forward as follows: first,strictly implement the central policy and protect farmland resources;second,adjust land use structure and strive to promote benefit;third,make rational planning of land resources and take the road of sustainable development;fourth,take the irrigation district as the unit and establish use class and price standard of land in irrigation district.

关 键 词: 土地资源优势度 效益 成本 人均土地资源优势度 泾惠渠灌区

领  域: [经济管理]




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作者 张丽娟