作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东工业大学
出 处: 《河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2011年第6期161-165,共5页
摘 要: 袁世凯,这个晚清、民国政坛上的风云人物,直接影响了晚清、民国初年的政局,而时局也反作用于他,决定了他的人生浮沉:清末新政期间,他与奕劻沆瀣一气,使清朝政治更加糜烂,为清王朝灭亡埋下了隐患;武昌起义,以载沣为首的满族王公亲贵束手无策,清政府内部权力的真空,为袁世凯复出提供了条件,而革命势力也面临重重困难,在这种局势之下,袁世凯被推上了大总统的舞台;当上了民国大总统的袁世凯却逆时代潮流而动,帝制自为、残害异己,用封建思想控制国民的头脑,恶化了民初的政局,毒化了社会风气。最终,袁世凯陷入众叛亲离的境地,帝王梦随之破灭。曾经被时局选择多次的袁世凯最终在人们的唾骂中被抛弃。 Yuan Shi-kai,the figure,affected the political situation during the late Qing and Republic of China,and at the same time,the political situation also affected his life: He collaborated with Yikuang,deteriorating the situation of Qing dynasty;when the 1911 revolution outbroke,Zaifeng and other nobles were very helpless,nobody could stand up to solve the question.Which was a good opportunity for Yuan Shi-kai's back to the political site;and at the same time,the revolutionary forces faced much difficulty,at last,Yuan Shi-kai became the President of the Republic of China.But he wanted to be an emperor,persecuting the dissident,controlling people's mind with the feudalism,deteriorating the situation of the early Republic of China.Finally,he faught into a deserted position,being forced to cancel the monarchy.He had been choosed many times but was abanded at last by the situation.