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Dioxin mass balance in fluidized bed incinerator co-firing municipal solid waste and coal

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 浙江大学机械与能源工程学院能源清洁利用国家重点实验室

出  处: 《浙江大学学报(工学版)》 2011年第12期2188-2195,共8页

摘  要: 为了研究二恶英的生成与消减情况,引入二恶英质量平衡的方法.建立某垃圾和煤混烧流化床焚烧炉的二恶英输入、输出质量平衡方程式,并在该焚烧炉中开展了多个运行工况条件下的烟气、灰渣中的二恶英质量浓度和质量分数检测试验.研究发现,由于"记忆效应",掺煤燃烧产生的SO2对二恶英的抑制作用有延迟现象,垃圾和煤混烧能消减原生垃圾中的大部分二恶英,使焚烧系统输出的二恶英毒性质量远小于输入的二恶英毒性质量.还对比了国内外一些垃圾焚烧炉的二恶英排放质量平衡,发现垃圾和煤混烧流化床焚烧炉毒性二恶英的环境年排放量为-495.029~4.524mg,比国内外报道中的垃圾焚烧炉更低,在一定程度上说明该焚烧炉可从总体上有效减少二恶英排放. Mass balance investigation was introduced to estimate dioxin formation or elimination during municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration process. A dioxin mass balance equation between input and output was established according to the characteristics of dioxin emission from a fluidized bed incinerator co-firing MSW and coal, and the dioxin mass fraction or mass concentration in flue gas, fly ash, and slag were tested under several operation conditions. Results indicated that the dioxin inhibition phenomenon attributed to SOz from coal burning was delayed due to "memory effect"; large amour of dioxin was abated when co-firing with MSW and coal, and the output I-TEQ mass value of dioxin was much less than the inputvalue. The dioxin mass balance from the MSW incinerators abroad and domestic was compared, and the results turned out that toxic dioxin annual emissions from the investigated fluidized bed co-firing MSW and coal were bewteen --495. 029 mg and 4. 524 mg, which were much lower than those from the cited incinerators abroad and domestic. It was revealed to some extend that the dioxin emission could be totally reduced by this kind of incinerator.

关 键 词: 二恶英 质量平衡 生活垃圾 焚烧炉 流化床

领  域: [动力工程及工程热物理]


作者 姚毛
作者 蔡岱莹


机构 华南理工大学法学院
机构 广东财经大学
机构 深圳大学经济学院


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作者 黄嘉涛
作者 欧晓万
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