机构地区: 华南师范大学地理科学学院
出 处: 《地理信息世界》 2011年第6期45-52,共8页
摘 要: 对广州市中心城区75家麦当劳餐厅和71家肯德基餐厅的地理位置进行实地测定并记录其开店时间,利用空间统计学方法定量地研究广州地区麦当劳和肯德基餐厅两家外来快餐店的空间分布特征及其随时间变化的过程,探讨两者在广州市场的竞争关系。研究得出以下结论:麦当劳和肯德基两家外国快餐店分布模式相同,空间分布上高度相关;两者在餐厅选址上的相同考虑是两者之间产生竞争以及空间分布高度相关的根本原因;与全国范围不同,广州地区的麦当劳餐厅数量一直多于肯德基,至今两者餐厅数目仍不相上下,两者在空间上的高度相关不是谁跟进谁的结果;早期两者之间并不是完全"针锋相对"的竞争,但随各自餐厅数量的不断增长,两者间竞争越来越激烈,2005年以后才真正达到了"哪里有麦当劳,哪里就有肯德基"的地步;两者的发展存在不同的侧重点,麦当劳偏重旧区的发展,肯德基倾向于开拓新区。 The study of the competition among Foreign Fast-food Catering industries was focused on McDonald's and Kentucky Fried Chicken which have 75 and 71 restaurants respeetively in Guangzhou, China. Geographic coordinates and opening times of these restaurants are obtained from the field. In this study, the methods of standard statistics and spatial analysis are used to detect the temporal and spatial variations of the restaurant development processes of the two industries showing the competition relationship between them. The study shows that McDonald's and Kentucky Fried Chicken have similar distribution patterns and a high degree of spatial eorrelation; the basle cause for the high degree spatial correlation and the intense competition between McDonald's and Kentucky Fried Chicken is that they have similar eonsiderations for their site selections. The number of Kentucky Fried Chicken never exceeds that of McDonald's although both are now nearly equal, indicating that the high degree spatial correlation between them does not result from the site selection of one side being copied from the other side; a tit for tat eompetitiou between McDonald's and Kentucky Fried Chieken came into being after 2005 with increase of the numher of the restaurants on both sides. And however, they give different emphasis to the selections: McDonald's is in favor of old distriets while Kentucky Fried Chicken lays more stress on newly developing areas.