机构地区: 华南农业大学生命科学学院药用植物研究中心
出 处: 《北方园艺》 2012年第2期134-136,共3页
摘 要: 以白掌和观音莲2种天南星科观赏植物为试材,对其根尖组织染色体观察方法进行优化。结果表明:2种材料均在12:00~14:00取材较好;对二氯苯的饱和液中预处理时,白掌以在8℃冰箱中预处理6h效果好,观音莲在16℃环境下预处理8h为最优条件;40℃恒温水浴锅中1mol/L盐酸酸解处理时,白掌酸解10min,观音莲处理15min效果理想;最后切取根尖白色分生组织部分于载玻片上使用卡宝品红染色20min可以满足染色体计数和拍照的需要。 Araceae plants Spathiphyllum floribundum and Alocasia indica Schott were used in this study to optimize the chromosome observation method of root-tip tissue. The results showed that both materials were better collected at the time period of 12:00-14:00. Spathiphyllum floribundum achieved better result with a pretreatment of 6 h in fridge at the temperature of 8℃ and Alocasia indica Schott reached optimum condition with a pretreatment of 8 h in fridge at the temperature of 16℃ when pretreated in saturated dichlorobenzene. Spathiphyllum floribundum and Alocasia indica Schott reached ideal results when respectively treated for 10 rain and 15 rain with HCl 1 mol/L for 40 min in water bath. White meristematic tissue at the root-tip was cut and put on glass slide for chromosome number observation and photographing after 20min dyeing with carbolfuehsin.