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The geometric and kinematic numerical simulation of the Dushanzi anticline,southern Junggar Basin

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 西南石油大学石油工程学院油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室

出  处: 《地质科学》 2012年第1期37-50,共14页

摘  要: 独山子背斜位于准噶尔盆地南缘西段,是北天山逆冲推覆带在前陆盆地山前形成的断层相关褶皱。本文以横跨背斜的过井地震剖面为蓝本,用钻井数据、相邻地震剖面和地表形态为约束,运用断层相关褶皱模型对独山子背斜进行几何学定量分析,以建立合理的与实际接近的构造模型;提取构造特征参数进行基于Trishear模型的运动学定量模拟,选取与实际数据吻合度最高的构造形态为独山子背斜的最佳几何模型。模拟数据表明:独山子背斜为前翼呈三角剪切的断层传播褶皱;背斜变形从喜马拉雅山晚期更新统(Q_(1-3))沉积期间开始形成并生长,平均推覆速率为0.18 mm/a;全新统沉积期间(Q_4)推覆活动强度达到最大值,平均推覆速率为4.64 mm/a。形成独山子背斜所需的总推覆位移量为5 600 m左右,第四纪期间的平均推覆速率约为0.19 mm/a。 The Dushanzi anticline locats in the west segment of the southern margin of the Junggar Basin,it is a fault-related fold which developed by the thrusting of the northern Tianshan.Based on a seismic cross-section across the Dushen 1 well,we build the reasonable geometric model of the Dushanzi anticline by the well data and outcrop data.After extracting the structural geometric parameters of the Dushanzi anticline by several seismic profiles,a trishear model was selected to simulate the geometric deformation of the Dushanzi anticline quantitatively,and then we establish the optimal geometric shape to match the Dushanzi anticline.Our simulated results show that the Dushanzi anticline is a Trishear fault propagation fold,it developed in the Quaternary(Q1-3)in the late Himalayan with a average thrusting slip rate 0.18 mm/a,then the structural deformation reached to a maximum thrusting rate in the Holocene(Q4)with a slip rate 4.64 mm/a.The Dushanzi anticline has a total displacement slip more than 5 600 m,so it‘s average thrusting rate in the Quaternary is about 0.19 mm/a.

关 键 词: 准噶尔盆地南缘 独山子背斜 模型 断层传播褶皱

领  域: [天文地球] [天文地球]




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