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The Effect of Sensory Experience Deficit on Blind or Deaf Students' Conceptual Representations

作  者: ; ; (王育茹);

机构地区: 华南师范大学教育科学学院心理应用研究中心

出  处: 《中国特殊教育》 2012年第1期31-35,41,共6页

摘  要: 通过概念特征自由联想实验,比较了视力、听力障碍学生和普通学生的具体事物概念表征的差异。结果表明:(1)与普通学生相比,视力、听力障碍学生联想的特征数量少,分布分散。(2)视力、听力障碍学生的概念表征受感知觉经验缺失的影响,概念表征具有明显的通道差异。聋生的听觉通道的概念特征显著少于普通学生,盲生的触觉通道的概念特征显著多于普通学生和聋生。(3)在感觉代偿和语言学习的帮助下,视力、听力障碍学生能够形成对缺失感觉通道信息的概念的表征。 This article, by means of the conceptual feature-based free association task, makes a comparative study of the difference in conceptual representations of specific matters between certain blind or deaf students and normal students. The results show the following: ( 1 ) compared with the normal students, the blind or deaf students show few and dispersed features of association. (2) The blind or deaf students' conceptual representations, affected by their sensory experience deficits, show distinctive difference in modalities; specifically, the deaf students show significantly fewer conceptual representations of the auditory modality than the normal students, whereas the blind students show significantly more conceptual representations of the tactile modality than the normal students and the deaf students. (3) With the help of rnodality compensation and language learning, the blind or deaf students can acquire the conceptual representations of deficient modalities.

关 键 词: 视力障碍学生 听力障碍学生 概念特征 感觉经验缺失

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]




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