机构地区: 华南理工大学建筑学院建筑系
出 处: 《华南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 2000年第1期60-64,共5页
摘 要: 本文根据内、外筒变形协调条件建立结构的整体稳定方程.考虑竖向地震作用影响,分别计算了设防烈度7度、8度和9度的小震情况下,相对于楼层重力荷载的临界荷载因子pcr.计算结果表明:竖向地震作用对筒中筒结构的整体稳定影响显著.考虑竖向地震作用后,临界荷载因子值pcr减小,当设防烈度为9度,pcr值减小约20.19% By the compatibility of deformation of the two tubes, the equation of the overall stability of a tube in tube structure is set up. This paper computes the p cr —the values of the critical load factor of the overall stability of the structure under vertical seismic action of mode earthquake intensity corresponding to 7, 8 and 9 degrees of earthquake intensity. The result indicates that the vertical seismic action greatly affects the overall stability of the structure by decreasing the value p cr . The value p cr decreases by 20.19% when the earthquake intensity is 9 degrees.
领 域: [建筑科学]