机构地区: 华南师范大学国际文化学院
出 处: 《世界汉语教学》 2012年第1期18-28,共11页
摘 要: 本文探讨汉语怎样表达整体-部分关系即Wp关系。首先确认"N1是N2的一部分"是判断Wp关系最为自然的形式框架,在此基础上讨论Wp关系的类型,经过鉴别后认为实体-部件、集体-成员、地区-地方等都属于Wp关系。另外,部分-部分关系虽不直接体现Wp关系,但与Wp关系密切相关。而原料-实体、物质-局部、活动-特征等都不是典型的Wp关系。Wp关系与其他诸如类别关系、拓扑内包关系、主体-附件关系、空间容器关系、领属关系等虽多有纠葛,但彼此之间仍可以划出相对疆界。最后,本文考察了表现Wp关系的常见句式以及标记词"部分"的多种功用。 This Paper discussed how Chinese structure the the sentence of ' N2 is a part of NI' is the frame to differentiate analysis the types of 'whole -part' relation, which are divided ' whole-part' relation. We think ' whole - part' relation. And we into component - integral object, member - collection, place - area, part - part. The ' whole - part' relation is easily confused with other semantic relations, particularly, other inclusion relations, such as class inclusion and spatial inclusion, and other relations involving possession, such as attachment, attribution and ownership and so on. The last, we describe the syntactical structure of ' whole -part' relation and how to use the Chinese word 'part'.
领 域: [语言文字]