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Ethical awareness of psychological counseling and psychotherapy related personnel

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 南方医科大学心理健康研究所心理学系

出  处: 《中国心理卫生杂志》 2011年第12期904-909,共6页

摘  要: 目的:了解我国当前心理咨询与治疗行业心理咨询和治疗师、应用心理系学生、参加心理咨询师培训人员的伦理意识现状。方法:对全国范围内601名心理咨询和治疗师,广州、珠海市344名应用心理系学生,以及广州201名参加心理咨询师培训人员,以自编"心理咨询或治疗伦理问题调查问卷"进行调查。结果:三组人员伦理判断有统计学差异的26个条目中,应用心理系学生认同比例较高的有19条,参加培训人员认同比例较高的有4条,心理咨询师认同比例较高的有3条。43.9%的心理咨询师认同"告诉来访者自己生他(她)气了",远高于心理系学生的19.8%及参加培训人员的21.9%。同时,14.5%认可"因对来访者愤怒而提高嗓音对其说话",远高于心理系学生的6.4%及参加培训人员的6.5%。三组人员中均有超过30%认可"和朋友不提名字地讨论来访者的事","向自己的学生或被督导者、雇员提供咨询"及"与以前的来访者成为生活中的朋友",约80%赞成"在来访者可能自杀或杀害他人时突破保密原则",约50%赞成"因为自己的某些突发事件,更改固定的治疗时间"。52.5%心理系学生、37.3%心理咨询师及34.3%培训人员认同"使用计算机化的测验解释报告"。结论:在心理咨询与治疗行业内部,咨询师、参加心理咨询师培训人员及应用心理系学生的伦理判断有一定差异。其中,心理系学生的伦理意识与其他两组人员相差较大,在多个条目中的伦理判断较差,需引起重视。 Objective: To explore ethical awareness of psychological counseling and psychotherapy related personnel. Method: This investigation was conducted among 601counselors/psychotherapists, 344 psychology undergraduates from Guangzhou and Zhuhai, and 201 counseling trainees from Guangzhou with the self-made questionnaire on the ethics in psychotherapy and counseling. Results: In the 26 statistically-different items among the three grotiops, undergraduates showed higher percentage agreement for 19 items, while trainees and counselors/psychotherapists did that for 4 items and 3 items separately. The counselors/psychotherapists who agreed on "telling a client you are angry at him or her" accounts for 43.9% and the percentage was much higher than undergraduates of 19.8% and trainees of 21.9%. Also, 14. 5% who agreed on "speaking louder to a client as you are angry at him or her" was higher than undergraduates of 6. 4% and trainees of 6. 5%. Over 30% of the entire sample agreed on " talking anonymously with a friend about client", "providing counseling to a student, supervisee or employee" and " becoming social friends with former client", while 80% of them thought "breaking confidentiality if client is suicide" was ethical and about 50% agreed on "changing fixed time for your emergency". And "using computerized test interpretation service" was thought to be ethical by 52. 5% undergraduates, 37.3% counselors/psychotherapists and 34. 3% trainees. Conclusion: In the field of psychological counseling and treatment, ethical awareness among counselors/psychotherapists, undergraduates and trainees are different. Especially, awareness of undergraduates, which is relatively different from the other two groups and is poor in several ethical items, needs more attention.

关 键 词: 心理咨询和治疗师 应用心理系学生 参加心理咨询师培训人员 伦理意识 横断面调查

领  域: [哲学宗教] [哲学宗教]


作者 黄瑜


机构 广东海洋大学寸金学院
机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系
机构 广东外语外贸大学英语语言文化学院


作者 张玉普
作者 张蕾蕾
作者 张馨文
作者 徐敏
作者 施群丽