机构地区: 华南农业大学农学院热带亚热带生态研究所
出 处: 《热带地理》 2011年第6期629-633,共5页
摘 要: 对珠三角的广州、东莞、佛山、江门以及粤北地区的韶关、清远和河源7个代表样地共计14个样本镇的1120人(户)进行了农村居民旅游态度与出游特征问卷调查,并对1040份有效样本从人口特征、旅游认知特征和旅游消费行为特征等方面进行详细分析。结果表明:(1)珠三角地区和粤北地区农村居民对旅游的态度普遍较好,但获取旅游信息的渠道均较单一;(2)限制农民出游的主要因素是经济收入状况,时间因素也限制了部分人,尤其是中青年人;(3)由于珠三角和粤北地区经济发展水平差异较大,因此农村居民在出游动机、出游方式、出游交通工具选择、出游时间以及旅游花费上存在较大差异;(4)受农村传统观念的影响,两地农村居民在出游偏好以及消费结构上均表现出较高的一致性。 Questionnaires were distributed to 1120 rural residents of Guangzhou,Dongguan,Foshan and Jiangmen in the Pearl River Delta region,and Shaoguan,Qingyuan and Heyuan in the northern mountain region of Guangdong Province in 2008 to survey their attitudes to travel,of which 1040 valid samples were analyzed in terms of the rural residents' demographic characteristics and tourism consumer behavior features.Some conclusions were drawn as follows:1)Rural residents had positive attitudes to tourism in the two study regions but their means of getting tourism information was single.2)The main limited factors for rural residents' travel were low economic income,deficiency of time in the farming seasons and everyday household duties for rural residents,especially for young and middle-aged people.3)There were big difference in tourism motivation,tourism patterns,tourism transports,tourism time and tourism expenses between the two regions.4)Affected by the rural traditional concepts,the preferences of travel and consumption structure of the rural people in the two regions were consistent.