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Employment Survey of The Hawkers Based on the City Periodical Mega-Events:A Case Study of the Canton Fair

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 中山大学旅游学院

出  处: 《热带地理》 2011年第6期586-592,共7页

摘  要: 通过现场清点法、观察法和实地访谈,对第107届广交会流动商贩的类型、动机、重复参与率、销售商品以及所得收入等状况进行深入调查,分析讨论定期举办的大型活动对流动商贩就业的影响,为以后深度研究城市商务活动的社会意义作铺垫。研究显示:广交会庞大的商务人流吸引了大批的流动商贩,其国际商务性、周期性的特点使得广交会流动商贩也具有其特殊性,其中最主要的特征是商务特征明显;广交会流动商贩的类型呈现多元化特点,既有职业流动商贩、业余流动商贩,又有依附于展会的"展虫",还有小厂、店铺和企业的来会代表;广交会50多年的发展历程培育了一批忠实的广交会流动商贩;广交会流动商贩似乎不一定能从广交会获得比其他地方高的收入,但广交会确实为"展虫"提供了就业的空间和机会;也确实为小厂/小店/小企业的后续生存与发展提供了商机。 In order to master the current situation of the hawkers of large city events,this paper takes the hawkers of the Canton Fair as research object,to comprehensively investigate their types,their motives and records to the Canton Fair,the types and price of commodities and their income,etc.through on-site inventory,observation and semi-structured interviews on 38 people.So the discussion about the impact of large events on the hawkers can be proposed.And it can lay a foundation for deeper research on the social value of the business activities in the city.According to the research,there exists the fact that many hawkers are attracted by the large number of businessmen in the Canton Fair,and for its international business quality and cyclicity,the hawkers of the Canton Fair have their unique characteristics and the major feature lies on their business quality.The various types of hawkers during the Canton Fair are professional flowing pedlars,amateurish hawkers,exhibition worms and representatives of companies and workshops.The motives of the hawkers mainly include retail,publicity and wholesale.And representatives of companies and workshops pay great attention to the business people.Their motives and publicity are intended to attract businessmen.The development of the Canton Fair in more than 50 years has cultivated a lot of faithful hawkers.

关 键 词: 大型活动 流动商贩 就业现状 广交会 现状

领  域: [历史地理]


作者 梁宇婷
作者 彭冰洁
作者 罗秋菊
作者 白崇
作者 黄玉


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广州大学公共管理学院


作者 徐佳宁
作者 曾彧
作者 杨卫华
作者 欧阳娟
作者 武小平