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Pruning's Impact on Growth of Betula alnoides

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; (牙璋);

机构地区: 广西生态工程职业技术学院

出  处: 《中国农学通报》 2011年第28期121-124,共4页

摘  要: 为了研究修枝对西南桦人工林生长的影响,以广西百色市老山林场西南桦人工林为试验对象,设计了修枝与不修枝对比试验,采用样地调查法进行调查测定,将调查数据采用u检验分析研究,研究修枝对西南桦生长的影响。结果表明:修枝处理对西南桦冠幅生长的影响差异较大,修枝可以使树冠变窄;对西南桦胸径、材积生长的影响差异很小;对西南桦树高生长的影响差异较大,对树高生长有抑制作用,4年生西南桦开始修枝对树高和蓄积生长不利。 In order to study the effects of pruning on the growth of Betula alnoides,compared pruned alnoides and unpruned one,a contrast test had been designed on the basis of Laoshan forestry station of Betula Alnoides in Baise City,Guangxi Province,using the sample survey measures.The data had been analyzed to find out pruning ' s impacts on alnoides growth.The results showed that:pruning ' s impacts on crown diameter growth varied a lot.It could narrow the crown while had little effect on the growth of both diameter at brest height(DBH) and tree volume.It could also hinder the growth of tree height.Pruning was extremely unfavorable for 4-year-old alnoides in that the tree height and volume growth could be affected.

关 键 词: 西南桦 修枝 树高 胸径 材积 冠幅

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




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