机构地区: 国家图书馆
出 处: 《情报杂志》 2011年第12期36-42,共7页
摘 要: 借助Web of Science引文数据库,随机选取了SCIE收录的40种数学期刊,对期刊中的文献以及其参考文献和被引记录进行统计分析,考察了数学文献在1960-2009年50年间的老化趋势,并重点分析了网络环境的变化对文献老化的影响。通过对共时法和历时法文献半衰期的计算和分析得出,在互联网环境下文献的绝对老化并未发生,而文献的相对老化速度持续减缓。在发文量、即年指标等基础上,提出了即年影响力和长尾效应等新的信息环境影响因素,并用灰色关联分析的方法定量分析出篇均引文量和长尾效应是影响文献老化速度的最重要因素。 Based on the Web of Science citation database, we conduct statistical analysis of the documents, the attached rclerences and the citations in 40 randomly selected mathematical journals indexed by SCIE. According to the statistical data, we investigate the mathematics literature obsolescence trend in the past 50 years ( 1960-2009 ) , and focus on the network influence on literature aging especially. We cal- culate the literature half-life with both synchronous methods and asynchronous methods, from which we find out that thc abs^qutc literature obsolescence doesn't occur in the internet environment, while the relative obsolescence speed keeps slowing down. Besides the annual number of articles and immediacy index, we propose several new indicators of information environment, such as immediacy influence and the long tail effect. Using the quantitative analysis method "grey relation analysis", we suggest that the average cites per article and long tail effect are the most important factors influencing the literature obsolescence speed.
关 键 词: 文献老化 半衰期 长尾效应 即年影响力 灰色关联度 影响因素
领 域: [文化科学]