机构地区: 广东商学院
出 处: 《上海经济研究》 2011年第11期49-56,共8页
摘 要: 规模变量、机会成本变量及制度变量是决定货币需求的三个因素,但一直以来货币需求研究主要聚焦于规模变量及机会成本,而较少考虑制度变量的影响。本文以银行机构及支付工具作为制度变量,从理论推导与实证分析两个方面探讨其对货币需求的影响,结论表明改革开放以来商业银行机构扩张及支付工具的改进节省了城镇居民的现金需求,而推动了城镇储蓄存款的增长。 Scale variable,opportunity cost and institutional factor are the three main determinacy variables of money demand.But the western scholars had mainly focus on the effect of scale and opportunity and seldom considered the influence of institutional factors.This article uses banks and instrument of payment to represent institution and measure the impacts of institutional variable from theoretical and empirical aspects.We conclude that since the reform and opening up the expansion of banks and improvement of payment instrument save the money demand of urban residents and indirectly promote the high growth of urban saving deposits.
关 键 词: 货币需求 制度变量 银行机构扩张 支付工具改进
领 域: [经济管理]