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A Study on Annotation of Hua Wai Collection And the Establishment of Modern Subject of Ci Thoery

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学文学院

出  处: 《韩山师范学院学报》 2011年第5期1-11,共11页

摘  要: 詹安泰《花外集笺注》成书于执教广东省立第二师范学校期间。作者立足于传统笺注学的方法论和常州派的词学观,广泛运用文本细读方法、历史研究方法、作家对比研究方法、文艺美学批评方法,从文字通释入手解说全篇,又以全篇涵盖字句,生动体现了文学研究的"诠释循环",达到了文史互证、以意逆志的诠释境界。《花外集笺注》的撰作,正值后五四时代中国古典文学研究转型的关键期,与夏承焘引领的《乐府补题》研究潮、龙榆生主持的《词学季刊》"新词学"建设保持着同步的节奏,遥相呼应,一起走出了古典,迈向新的学术纪元。 Annotation ofHua Wai Collection by ZHAN An-tai, was written when he taught at the second Normal School of Guangdong Province. He based on traditional methods of annotation and the viewpoint of Changzhou School, widely used methods of textual reading, historical research, comparative study of different writers, and literary estheticism, with interpretation from single character to the textual meaning in the full-text article. It vividly manifested interpretation circle of literary studies and reached an ideal realm of annotation which included mutual verification between literature and history and contras of meaning with inclination. Anno- tation ofHua Wai Collection kept synchronization with the lyrics appended by Xia Cheng-tao, who led academ- ic research current and Ci Theory quarterly edited by Long Yu-sheng, who emphasized on the establishment of modem subject of Ci theory. They echoed to each other, stepped out from classical research methods and pioneered to a new academic era.

关 键 词: 詹安泰 花外集笺注 研究范型 词学体系建构 转型

领  域: [文学]


作者 聂欣晗
作者 赵宏祥
作者 詹伯慧


机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院中文系
机构 广东第二师范学院
机构 汕头职业技术学院
机构 广东省社会科学界联合会


作者 张坤
作者 徐丽华
作者 曹金蓉
作者 李娟
作者 李晓青