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Normal families and composite meromorphic functions

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 广州大学数学与信息科学学院

出  处: 《中国科学:数学》 2011年第11期991-1000,共10页

摘  要: 本文研究了亚纯函数族涉及复合有理函数与分担亚纯函数的正规性.证明了一个正规定则:设0(z)和厂分别是区域D上的亚纯函数与亚纯函数族,R(z)是一个次数不低于3的有理函数.如果对族厂中函数y(z)和9(z),Rof(z)和Rog(z)分担a(z)IM,并且下述条件之一成立:(1)对任何z0∈D,R(z)-a(z0)有至少三个不同的零点或极点;(2)存在z0∈D使得R(z)-a(z0):=(Z—β0)PH(z)至多有两个零点(或极点)阮,同时k≠l|p|,其中2和k分别是f(z)-β0和a(z)-a(z0)在z0处的零点重数,H(z)是满足H(β0)≠0,∞的有理函数,a(z)非常数并满足a(z0)∈CU{∞}.那么F在D内正规.特别地,这个结果是著名的Montel正规定则的一种推广. In the paper, we study the normality of families of meromorphic functions. We prove the result: Let a(z) be a meromorphic function, Y a family of meromorphic functions in a domain D, and R(z) be a rational function of degree at least 3. If R o f(z) and R o g(z) share a(z) IM for each pair f(z),g(z) ∈ F and one of the following conditions holds: (1) R(z) - a(z0) has at least three distinct zeros or poles for any z0 E D; (2) There exists z0 E D such that R(z) - a(zo) := (z -β0)PH(z) has at most two distinct zeros (or poles) /30 and suppose that the multiplicities l and k of zeros of f(z) - a and a(z) - a(z0) at z0, respectively, satisfy k≠1|p|, where H(z) is a rational function and H(β0)≠ 0, ∞ and a(z0) ∈ CU{∞} and a(z) is nonconstant. Then F- is normal in D. In particular, the result is a kind of generalization of the famous Montel's criterion.

关 键 词: 复合函数 正规定则 亚纯函数 分担值

领  域: [理学] [理学]


作者 侯春娟


机构 广东财经大学


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