机构地区: 广东省气象台
出 处: 《广东气象》 2011年第5期8-12,共5页
摘 要: 强冷空气过程是广州市11月的高影响天气类型之一。通过分析广州地区5个站1961~2009年11月的日平均气温、日最高气温、日最低气温及日雨量等数据,以及NCEP 2°×2°再分析资料。并根据广东省气象局的灾害性天气标准,发现1961~2009年影响广州的强冷空气过程共有8次,没有寒潮过程出现。从24 h的降温幅度看,1987年11月27日和1993年11月21日到达的冷空气强度最强,尤其是1987年的强冷空气过程接近寒潮的强度且有热带系统在南海活动。对1987年11月27日的强冷空气过程进行具体分析发现,500 hPa横槽下摆及小槽分裂东移,有利于引导冷空气向南爆发;热带气旋NINA逐渐靠近感动沿海并维持了24 h以上,也为广州出现降水提供了有利的水汽和辐合条件;地面上,异常偏强的冷高压与南海的热带系统相互作用产生了明显的梯度风,有利于冷空气的大举南下;冷空气爆发前期,我国西部的低槽发展,使得广州在冷空气爆发前出现回暖升温,有利气温出现明显的降幅。 Strong cold air is one of the high impact weathers in Guangzhou in November. This paper analyzes the observational data of daily mean temperature, maximum temperature, minimum temperature and daily rainfall amount from 5 stations ot Guangzhou in November during 1961 to 2009, together with the NCEP reanalysis data (2 ×2 deg). Results show that no cold wave but 8 strong cold air events are found during this period according to the cold wave criteria of Guangdong. Among them, the one arriving at Guangzhou on November 27, 1987 is the strongest. In this case, cold air outburst southward steered by meridionally turning of transversal trough at 500 hPa, with the tropical cyclone N1NA approaching coast and sustaining fbr 24 hours, which supply favorable moisture and convergence for the precipitation. Significant gradient wind between tropical systems and the cold air mass accelerated the southward cold air. Development of the low trough in western China causing a warming up in Guangzhou before the cold air outbreak, also cause a relatively significant drop in temperature.
领 域: [天文地球]