作 者: ;
机构地区: 佛山大学文学与艺术学院中文系
出 处: 《佛山科学技术学院学报(社会科学版)》 1996年第5期46-50,共5页
摘 要: ’94~’95中国小说的新思潮是对“新写实主义小说”的反拨,倡导表现亲身经历的现实,以强烈而亲切的主观感受浸染现实。这种思潮的审美价值取向表现为:求“新”─—摈弃先前对形式的崇拜,关注正在发生着的生存现实;叙述主体的主观化与叙述客体的客观化;亲历性中显著的感性倾向;与法国“新小说”派有相似点;日常口语的状态之流。 In disagreement to the Neo Realistic Novel, the trend of novel writing between 1994 and 1995 advocated writing about the writer's own experience and revealing realities through the writer's own strong subjective feelings. The aesthetic values of this trend are reflected mainly in the following aspects: striving for newness-rejecting the previous worship to form but paying close attention to the synchronic living realities; subjectivity of the narrative subject and objectivity of narrative object; noticeable perceptual tendency in one's own experience; similarities to and differencies from the French School of the New Novel, and the stream of everyday spoken language.
关 键 词: 小说新思潮 共时性 亲历性 主观化 客观化 口语化
领 域: [文学]