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On the Sino-Russia cooperation in developing Siberia and the initiatives on the countermeasures of energy resources projects

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 辽宁师范大学东北亚研究所

出  处: 《大连理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2000年第4期43-49,共7页

摘  要: 能源项目作为现代工业和知识经济发展的基础与动力 ,业已提到中俄两国经贸合作务实启动的日程上来 ,并将从根本上展示出东北亚区域生产力要素的优势互补特征。因此 ,中国在东北亚地区不应把目光只盯在“中日韩三国经济合作体”上 ,还要通过共同开发西伯利亚与远东地区的能源项目来提升双边经贸合作水平 ;而西伯利亚与远东地区作为俄罗斯领土的亚洲部分 ,要在 2 1世纪也同欧洲部分一样融进世界经济体系 ,最主要的条件是使该地区求得社会经济的快速发展 ,成为俄罗斯与亚太国家尤其是中国合作开发的前沿阵地 ,变其潜在的资源优势为现实的经济优势。为了实现这一计划 ,中俄两国必须从市场经济规律出发 ,加大西伯利亚与远东地区能源项目的开发力度 。 The energy resources projects, being the foundation and the driving force for the development of the modern industry and the knowledge economy, have been put on the schedule of the Sino\|Russia economic & trade cooperation, and they will demonstrate their advantages of key factors of productivity in Northeast Asia. Therefore, China should shift its focus from China\|Japan\|Korea cooperation pattern to bilateral economy & trade to improve the cooperation. Siberia and the Far East region, as part of the Russia territory, will merge together into the world economy in the 21st century. The pre\|condition under which the region will become the front is to quickly develop the social economy in this area, and turn the resources potentials into true economic advantages. In order to achieve the upgrading goals of promoting the bilateral economy & trade cooperation, China and Russia should further develop and work on the energy resources projects within this region based on the law of the economy.

关 键 词: 中俄两国 合作开发 西伯利亚与远东地区 能源项目 对策创意

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 李靖宇


机构 佛山职业技术学院
机构 海洋经济与管理研究中心


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