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The Infective Characterics of Beet Armyworm(Spodoptera exigua)Nucleopolyhedrovirus Infect the Silkworm(Bombyx mori)Cell Line BmN

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; (王森财);

机构地区: 广东省农业科学院

出  处: 《Virologica Sinica》 2000年第S1期70-74,共5页

摘  要: 甜菜夜蛾 (Spodopteraexigua)核型多角体病毒 (SeNPV)经空斑法纯化获得G1、G3、G4三个克隆株。将三个克隆株及日本分离的SeNPV 1的游离病毒粒子感染家蚕细胞株 (BmN)后 ,4 8h开始引起细胞凋亡 ,脱壁漂浮于培养液中 ,72h后基本凋亡。感染的BmN细胞核未观察到病毒多角体 ,用空斑法未检出SeNPV出芽病毒粒子 (BV)的形成 ;Western印迹分析也未能检出多角体蛋白。而DNA原位杂交印迹 (SlotBlot)分析 ,发现SeNPV能在BmN细胞中复制病毒DNA ;提取感染SeNPV的BmN细胞DNA作酶切电泳 ,获得特异的SeNPVDNA区带 ,并发现EcoRI、PstI的酶切位点有所改变。本文讨论了SeNPV感染非寄主细胞并能在其中复制病毒DNA的可能性。 The beet armyworm( Spodoptera exigua ,Se ) is the important pest of agricultural crops. The nucleopolyhedrovirus(NPV) clones designed as SeNPV as G1,G3 and G4 were derived by phaque assay from population that were isolated from beet armyworm in China. The SeNPV clone as control was isolated in Japan. The isolation of virions from SeNPVB clones and infected the silkworm ( Bombyx mori ) cell line BmN, 48 hours after infection the cell began to leave and die, 72 hours after infection the cell died already. There was not any polyhedrin developed in the nuclear of infective cell by microscopy observation. There was not any bud virions of SeNPV obtained by phaque assay method. The polyhedrin protein was not found by Western blotting determination. The replication DNA of SeNPV isolated from the infective cell, after electrophoresis the specific DNA band of SeNPV was obtained by Southern blotting determination. The DNA extraction from the infective cell and digested with Eco RI and Pst I restrection enyzme, after electrophoresis exhibited some new cleavage sites of DNA different than that of the control.

关 键 词: 克隆株 细胞 感染性

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 王旬章
作者 刘兴东


机构 中山大学人文科学学院中文系
机构 中山大学生命科学学院昆虫学研究所


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