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Machining Technology Used in Turbine Blisk

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 哈尔滨工业大学机电工程学院特种加工及机电控制研究所

出  处: 《航空精密制造技术》 2000年第5期1-5,共5页

摘  要: 叙述了各种用于整体涡轮叶盘的加工方法,并讨论了涡轮叶盘制造的发展趋势。文中表明,粉末冶金近净成形( near- net- shape)热等静压技术将是涡轮叶盘毛坯成形工艺的研究焦点;而涡轮叶盘精加工的最有力手段仍是电火花加工技术。 In this paper, various techniques for manufacturing integrally bladed turbine blisks are described, followed by a discussion of the development trend of turbine blisk manufacture. Analysis shows that powder metallurgy near - net- shape hot isostatic pressing (HIP) will be the focus of future research for turbine blisk blanking, while EDM will still be the most competitive technology for turbine blisk finishing.

关 键 词: 涡轮 整体叶盘 热等静压 电火花加工

领  域: [航空宇航科学与技术]


