机构地区: 广东培正学院
出 处: 《广东培正学院学报》 2005年第2期87-91,共5页
摘 要: 我国高校图书馆正在从传统图书馆、自动化图书馆向数字化图书馆过渡。鉴于民办高等学校的现实情况,不能完全仿照公办高校数字图书馆的模式,应该开创一条适应民办高校特点的数字化图书馆建设之路。本文论述了民办高校数字化图书馆建设的现状、科学定位及构想。 Great changes hare been taken place in our higher colleges in transit transiting from traditional library, automatic library to digitalized library. For the current conditions of private higher colleges, we must initiate a digitalizing way that fully considers the characteristics of private higher colleges, instead of copy the model of public colleges. For the above-mentioned reasons, the paper discusses the current status, scientific positioning and blueprint for digitalizing of private higher college library.
领 域: [文化科学]