机构地区: 暨南大学文学院中国语言文学系
出 处: 《中国文学研究》 2011年第4期41-45,共5页
摘 要: 唐人以咏史诗体现"观往知来"的鉴戒作用,历史上汉、唐并称,唐诗人也多以汉言唐,表观政之旨,同时又不避反思本朝历史而直言者,安史之乱是唐由盛转衰的关键,中唐以后写玄宗朝的咏史诗尤多,唐诗中有的于诗人为观世,于后人具观史、观政价值者,如果说杜甫的"诗史"所写是社会史,唐季诗人所作则进而涉及宫廷史,晚唐时期,以李商隐为代表的咏史诗达到了艺术的高峰。 The poems concerning history were used by people in Tang Dynasty for reference,because the study of history could direct the political activities in the future.In Chinese history,Han Dynasty and Tang Dynasty have always been called together,and the poets in Tang Dynasty always demonstrated their political ideas on the temporal politics through writing some poems concerning Han Dynasty.Meanwhile,there were also some outspoken speakers who examined the history concerning their own dynasty.An Lushan Rebellion is the key period from the prosperity to the evening of Tang Dynasty.After the mid-period of Tang Dynasty,the poems concerning Xuanzong were quite a lot.Some Tang poems were used to observe the world for its authors,the history and politics for the futurity.If we say the poems concerning history written by Du Fu were about the society,the poems written by the poets in the late Tang Dynasty were related to the history of royal court.The poems concerning history were developed to the peak of art represented by Li Shangyin in the late Tang Dynasty.
领 域: [文学]