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Reproductive allocation in dioecious shrub,Rhamnus davurica

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 北京林业大学林学院森林培育与保护教育部重点实验室

出  处: 《生态学报》 2011年第21期6371-6377,共7页

摘  要: 以雌雄异株树种鼠李为模式物种,分别从树枝、植株和种群水平上分析了雌雄异株树种鼠李的生殖分配过程,检验了营养生长与生殖过程之间的平衡。结果表明:树枝水平,鼠李年生殖生物量(花生物量+果生物量)投资具有显著的性别差异和个体差异(P<0.001)。雌花生物量大于雄花生物量,雌花生物量最大值为雄花生物量最大值的1.75倍。雌树和雄树的叶片生物量差异不显著(P>0.05)。植株水平上,鼠李生殖生物量(花生物量+果生物量)投资具有显著的性别差异和个体差异(P<0.001),雌树与雄树的花生物量和茎干径向增量差异显著(P<0.05),叶片生物量差异不显著(P>0.05)。鼠李胸径大小对花生物量、叶生物量和茎干径向增量影响显著(P<0.05)。鼠李雌树的花生物量和茎干径向增量均大于雄树。种群水平上,鼠李雄树始花期略早于雌树,2010年雌树和雄树分别于5月28日和5月25日始花。在360 m×660 m研究样地内种群性比为0.17,卡方检验表明种群性比显著偏离1∶1(P<0.001)。雌树和雄树年平均生长量分别为0.78 mm和0.83 mm。因此,在树枝水平、植株水平以及种群水平上,雌雄异株树种鼠李的营养生长和生殖生长不存在平衡关系。推断鼠李雌树能够通过光合过程获得更多生物量来满足其生殖和营养生长过程需要。 Life-history theory in plants has an important role in the development of many fields in evolutionary biology.The theory deals specifically with assumptions relating to the trade-off between reproductive and vegetative processes.Research on trade-offs has largely focused on dioecious species and the differences between sexes regarding patterns of resource allocation.In this research,the reproductive allocation was studied and specific assumptions were tested regarding the trade-off between reproductive and vegetative processes in the dioecious species Rhamnus davurica.Assuming automomy of different modular levels of plant physiology,we observed the reproductive allocation at branch level,shrub level and population level,respectively.The main results are:(1) at branch level,reproductive biomass shows significant difference between males and females(P0.001).The flower biomass is also significantly different between the sexes(P0.001).However,there is no significant difference in foliage biomass between the sexes(P0.05).The flower,foliage and reproduction biomass(the sum of flower and fruit biomass) also showed significant differences among individuals(P0.001).The mean biomass value of the female flowers is 1.84 times greater than that of the male flowers.The mean biomass value of female reproduction(the sum of flower and fruit biomass) is 16 times greater than that of the male reproduction(male flower biomass).The mean biomass value of the male foliage is greater than that of the females,though this difference is not significant.(2) at shrub level,the flower biomass,reproductive biomass(including flower and fruit biomass) and the diameter increment was significantly different between sexes(P0.05),but there was no significant difference between sexes regarding the foliage biomass(P0.05).An analysis of variance shows that DBH size is positively correlated with flower biomass,reproductive biomass,foliage biomass and diameter increment(P0.05).The average value of flo

关 键 词: 雌雄异株植物 生殖分配 性比 营养生长

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [农业科学]




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