机构地区: 扬州大学外国语学院
出 处: 《扬州大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2011年第5期115-120,共6页
摘 要: 预制语块是整体存储于心理词库中的固定语言组块,预制语块在翻译过程中具有积极作用。相对于独立单词而言,在心理词库中存储的预制语块本身具备"词频性","整体性"和"范例性"等效应优势,从而使得译入语词汇提取迅速、流畅,选词规范、准确,用词自然、地道。预制语块研究对翻译教学也具备启示作用。 Based on a review of the theories of chunks, this paper attempts to analyze their signi{icant role in translating process, and tries to modify " the Model of Translating" (Roger T. Bell) with the features of prefabricated chunks. Compared with the single word, prefabricated chunks enjoy three advantages: Frequency Effect Advantage, Chunking Effect Advantage and Exemplified Effect Advantage, which can greatly shorten the psychological path in translating process, so as to make the process of translating more smoothly and accurately. That sufficient chunks can help translators achieve successful translation also has practical significance for translation teaching.
领 域: [语言文字]