机构地区: 华南师范大学政治与行政学院
出 处: 《国际论坛》 2011年第6期47-51,78-79,共5页
摘 要: 政治发展理论本身就是影响发展中国家政治发展的一种外部因素。而亨廷顿不论在20世纪60年代中后期强调"政治稳定",还是在80、90年代呼吁"政治民主",这些主张基本上都是当时美国对发展中国家政策的一种反映,在非洲地区的具体表现就是美国调整对非洲的政策和向非洲国家输出民主。因此,"政治稳定"与"政治民主"究竟哪个才是"好东西",这主要不在于亨廷顿的政治思想是否发生了变化,关键是当时美国的对外政策需要哪个。这不仅是我们在研究亨廷顿的政治发展理论时应该注意的问题,而且是我们在应用亨廷顿的政治发展理论研究以非洲国家为代表的发展中国家的政治发展实践时更应该谨慎对待的问题。 The political development theory affects the political development of the developing countries as a kind of external factor.Samuel P.Huntington emphasized political stability in the late 1960s,and called for political democracy in the 1980s and 1990s,which both reflected America's policy to the developing countries and in Africa,this policy took the form of the adjustment of its African policy and the export of democracy to African countries.Therefore,which exactly is the good thing: the political stability or political democracy? The conclusion rests not with the changes of Huntington's political thought,but with the needs of America's foreign policy of the period.This is not only the problem we should pay attention to in our studies of Huntington's political development theory,but also the problem we should handle with caution when we are applying Huntington's political development theory to the study of political development of the developing countries represented by African countries.