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Application of the grey clustering method to assessing the eutrophication in Jiaozhou Bay

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所

出  处: 《渔业科学进展》 2011年第5期114-120,共7页

摘  要: 参照国家海水水质标准(GB3097-1997)和海水的富营养化特点,选取活性磷酸盐(PO43--P)、溶解无机氮(DIN)、溶解氧(DO)、化学需氧量(COD)和叶绿素a(Chl-a)为评价指标,将富营养化程度分为3个级别,利用灰类白化权函数描述海水富营养化的等级界限,确定各指标在灰类中的聚类权及聚类系数,确定各聚类对象的等级,在此基础上建立海水富营养化综合评价模型。以胶州湾为研究对象,对2009年5月和8月的监测数据进行分析,结果表明,胶州湾东部海域已达到富营养化,西部和北部海域处于中度营养水平,湾中和湾口附近海域处于贫营养水平,这与沿岸河流、工农业废水、生活污水和养殖废水的排放、湾内海水与外海水的交换速率以及水域水深条件密切相关。灰色聚类法评价的胶州湾水域的富营养化状态与真实情况接近,因此,利用灰色聚类法评价海水富营养化是一种快速、简便、客观的方法。 Marine environment is a grey system. Applying the grey clustering method to assessing the eutrophication of marine environment is to establish a comparatively perfect model for marine environment evaluation and give a sound assessment for the quality of marine envi- ronment, thus, providing evidence for marine environment management. Referring to Chinese Seawater Quality Standard (GB3097-1997) and the characteristics of seawater eutrophication, selecting POa--P, DIN, DO, COD and Chl-a as evaluation indexes,and classifying seawater eutrophication into three levels, then using the whitenization weight function to describe its grading sideling and determine the clustering weights, coefficients and their grades of the corresponding indices in the grey system, a comprehensive evaluation model was established. Taking Jiaozhou Bay as the subject, through the analysis of the data in Jiaozhou Bay in May and August of 2009, the result showed that the eastern Jiaozhou Bay was in the state of eutrophication, the western and northern water was in the state of medium-level nutrient, and the center and mouth of the bay was oligotrophic. The state of water quality was closely related to the river runoff, industrial and agricultural discharge, domestic sewage, aquaculture wastewater, water exchange rate and the water depth. The eutrophication state evaluated by the grey clustering method can reflect the real situation of Jiaozhou Bay, indicating that the assessment of seawater eutrophication by the grey clustering method is feasible.

关 键 词: 灰色聚类法 胶州湾 富营养化 评价

领  域: [环境科学与工程]


作者 未红


机构 广东理工职业学院


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