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Research on Effectiveness of Morality Teaching In Universities——An Empirical Study of Ten Universities in Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学公共管理学院

出  处: 《广州广播电视大学学报》 2011年第5期75-80,111,共6页

摘  要: 通过问卷调查,以广州大学城十所高校的945名学生为样本展开实证调查研究,全面分析了当前德育教学有效性的现状及特点。研究发现:(1)高校德育课教学方式正从传统单一的课堂讲授方式向多样新颖的教学方式转变,但课堂教学作为德育教学主阵地的现实没有改变;(2)学生对德育课程的态度存在年级差异,低年级学生比高年级学生态度认真,但只有9.2%的学生真正对德育课本身感兴趣;(3)在影响教学效果的各因素中,教学方法的好坏最为关键;学生理想中的德育教学方式是与社会实践紧密联系的,61.9%的学生认为实践教学应成为德育教学的主要途径;(4)德育教学中存在教学方式的转变力度不够、教学内容的抽象与枯燥、理论教学与实践的脱节、教学效果呈现低效性等不足。 The paper discusses the current situation and characteristics of Morality teaching in universities,based on results of a survey on 945 students from ten Universities in Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center.The findings are as the following: 1) The way of teaching has been modernized,diversified and innovated,while the classroom still being the stronghold to implement Morality education as before;2) Discrepancies are found among students of different grades,when their attitude towards the teaching are compared.Junior students generally hold a more positive view of it than their senior counterparts;3) Methodology is revealed to be the most important factor influencing the teaching effect,and 61.9% of the subjects consider teaching closely integrating itself with the social practice to be the most ideal one;however,4) only 9.2% of the students take real interest in this course,indicating that there are still many problems that should be addressed,such as,its teaching approaches are not adequately innovated;its contents are far from the reality;there is a great gap between theory and practice,and teaching effect is not satisfactory enough.

关 键 词: 德育课程 教学 有效性

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 张爱林
作者 李锦源
作者 任杨
作者 陈泽芳
作者 李思玲


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟