机构地区: 青岛理工大学外国语学院
出 处: 《烟台大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2011年第4期116-120,共5页
摘 要: 系统功能语言学强调通过对具体语篇的研究来探讨语言的性质,重视语境对于语篇的意义和作用。在语境研究上,系统功能语言学者继承了Malinowski和Firth的传统,强调语言意义不是孤立地存在于语言单位之中,而是与特定的语境所体现的社会符号系统密切相关。系统功能语言学内部在语境的内容、层次、语域和语言的关系、语类实现模式等方面仍未达成一致,在这个领域的研究工作还有待进一步深入。 Systemic Functional Linguistics emphasizes the role of text in the exploration of the nature of language and the importance of context to the interpretation of meaning.It has followed the traditions of Malinowski and Firth in its modeling of context,always sticking to the principle of investigating language as social semiotic and relating meaning to the context in which it is being made,instead of treating it in isolation.There are still issues on which systemic functional linguists have not been able to reach agreements,such as the content and stratification of context,the relation between register and language,and the realization patterns of genre,and further studies are needed in these areas.
领 域: [语言文字]