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Llosa and Post-colonial Writer's Alienation from Local Culture

作  者: ;

机构地区: 深圳大学文学院

出  处: 《深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2011年第5期19-23,共5页

摘  要: 与略萨获奖一同到来的是众多的溢美之词。客观地说,略萨确实算是一个比较关注社会民生、反对专制暴力的正直作家。但是由于他先天的西班牙血缘基因和后天对欧美文化的自觉吸收与认同,使他成为西方思想观念在秘鲁的代言人。尤其是在很多文学读者不甚关心的政治竞选中,略萨集中地表现了他脱离秘鲁社会、极力维护西方跨国资本和秘鲁有产者特权的基本立场,他所进行的这场竞选战争,实质上是代表有产者利益集团对政治寡头之间的战争,与占秘鲁人口绝大多数的印第安人、穷人其实无关。略萨在秘鲁国家发展道路的问题上,自觉地成为了西方新自由主义经济理念的传声筒。同时,也由于他长期定居国外,他对秘鲁本土社会的认识,除了理论上的误区、文化上的疏离、更有感情上的隔膜和对立,反映了后殖民作家与生俱来的局限性。 Llosa's receipt of the Nobel Prize has met with a wave of applauses.To be objective,Llosa is indeed a writer of integrity who pays close attention to Peruvian society and opposes tyrannical dictatorship.However,his consanguineous tie with Spain,and his assimilation of and identity with European and American culture make him a spokesman of western concepts in Peru.In the election of president which many readers do not care for,Liosa stated a position which is alienated from Peruvian society,and protects western transnational capital and privileges of propertied class.In essence,the presidential election which he lost in 1990 was a battle between the propertied class and oligarchy,and it had nothing to do with American Indians and the poor which make up the majority of Peru's population.Llosa becomes the mouthpiece of the western economic notion of Neoliberalism which he considers as Peru's road for development.As for his knowledge of the local society in Peru,because he lives abroad for a long time,in addition to theoretical misconceptions and cultural alienation,there are also estrangement and antagonism,which reflect the inherent limitations of postcolonial writer.

关 键 词: 秘鲁 西班牙 印第安人 后殖民 本土文化

领  域: [文学]


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机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院


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