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Composition shift analysis of zeotropic mixed refrigerant in refrigeration cycle

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学电力学院

出  处: 《化工学报》 2011年第11期3066-3072,共7页

摘  要: 非共沸混合工质在制冷循环中应用越来越广泛,其工质的浓度偏移对制冷机的性能影响显著。为此建立了非共沸混合工质两相区流动换热工质浓度偏移数学模型,推导出两相流动中气液相流速不同是发生浓度偏移的必要条件,得到了混合工质两相区当地浓度偏移规律并根据流动工质浓度计算出两相区的当地浓度,通过J-T制冷机蒸发器的工质浓度偏移实验进行了验证,计算与实验结果吻合较好。数学推导和实验结果均表明,当j组分工质在当地气液相中浓度相等时,两相流动中j组分工质浓度不存在浓度偏移,而当j组分工质在当地气相中的浓度大于当地液相中的浓度时,j组分工质当地总浓度小于其循环流动浓度,反之亦相反。J-T制冷循环中低沸点工质当地浓度低于循环流动浓度,而高沸点工质当地浓度将高于循环流动浓度。进一步分析表明混合工质J-T制冷循环中低沸点工质循环浓度高于其充注浓度,而高沸点工质循环浓度低于其充注浓度。因此,为了获得既定运行浓度的循环系统,需要充注相比此浓度更多的高沸点组分。 Zeotropic mixed refrigerant is widely used in Joule-Thomson refrigeration cycles, and refrigerator performance is greatly affected by the composition shift of mixed refrigerant. Based on conservation equations, a mathematical model of mixed-refrigerant composition shift in gas-liquid two- phase flow is proposed in this paper. The deduction result shows that different velocity of gas and liquid in the two-phase flow is the necessary condition of local composition shift. Then, the composition shift principle is obtained, and with the composition of circulated refrigerant, local refrigerant composition is calculated and verified by a mixed-refrigerant shift experiment in the evaporator of Joule-Thomson refrigerator. The results show that in gas-liquid two-phase flow, if the jth refrigerant component fraction sharing in gas is greater than that in liquid, the local concentration will be less than the circulated concentration, vice versa. Therefore, the local concentration of low boiling point component is less than circulated concentration in Joule-Thomson refrigeration cycle, while that of high boiling point component is greater than the circulated one. Further analysis shows that circulated concentration of low boiling point component is,greater than charged fraction, while that of high boiling point component is less than the charged fraction. Thus, in order to achieve the predetermined mixed-refrigerant composition, more high boiling point component needs to be injected into the system.

关 键 词: 非共沸混合工质 气液两相流 浓度偏移 制冷循环

领  域: [动力工程及工程热物理] [动力工程及工程热物理]




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